Leaking is a common concern from many new vapers, but it’s something that can be easily solved. Generally speaking, leaking is not a manufacturer's oversight and can be fixed quickly by the user.
First, check your airflow and make sure it’s always closed when filling your tank. When you’re using the tank, make sure the airflow is open just enough to allow you to vape without taking overly forceful inhales. Inhaling too forcefully will pull more e-liquid onto the coil, which can lead to leakage.
Next, consider how your tank functions and always keep it upright. Vape tanks weren’t meant to be kept on their side and e-liquid can quickly start seeping out of the airflow holes if you leave it like this for longer periods of time.
Finally, take your tank apart and check the O-rings on your tank. Worn or damaged O-ring can compromise the air seal of the tank, which can inevitably lead to leaking. Thankfully, many tanks come with back-up O-rings and many manufacturers offer replacements at a very cheap price.
You should also consider how you are inhaling on the device, as sucking (or forcefully inhaling) will pull excess e-juice into the coil, which will cause leaking. A proper inhale should feel like taking a breath through your e-cigarette and should be fairly effortless.
If these fixes don’t seem to solve your leaking problem, try checking your seal. Removing e-juice from the chimney, and be sure to not overfill your tank.
For a more in-depth guide on common causes and additional fixes, please check out our vapers wiki HERE.