Utilizing a dry herb vaporizer is arguably the optimal way to consume cannabis, but if you do not properly prepare your device, all you’ll do is waste cannabis and limit the potential your dry herb vaporizer can achieve. Thankfully, using a dry herb vaporizer is fairly simple and setting it up won’t differ between a desktop model and a portable variant.
First, properly grind your material to a fine consistency. This is perhaps the most important step in preparing your herbal vaporizer, as vaporizers perform poorly with large bits of cannabis. Having ground up cannabis will increase the surface area, allowing it to be heated more evenly, and producing more flavour, terpenes, and THC.
Next, place your cannabis in the herb chamber. You should follow the instructions outlined in your vaporizer’s manual, but you should generally not overpack the chamber. Doing so can cause problems in your vaping experience and can negatively affect the cannabis you are attempting to vaporize.
Once you have properly packed your chamber, you can close up the device and begin the preheating process. Begin by turning on the device (either by clicking the fire button five times or pressing the on/off switch) and set the temperature of the device to your desired setting. If you cannot control the temperature, simply turn the device on and naturally allow it to heat on its own.
Finally, you can inhale off your herbal vaporizer. Start by taking short draws, no more than three seconds at a time. This will help you experience all the flavor and aroma from the cannabis, and will ensure you don’t accidentally pull any of the dry herb through the mouthpiece. Taking shorter draws will also ensure you aren’t cooling down the oven by pulling large amounts of cold air through. Ultimately, this will help preserve battery life as your dry herb vaporizer will not need to consistently reach its optimal temperature.