As with all electronic devices, all portable vaporizers require some sort of power source (i.e. batteries) and many of these batteries will need to be charged. Thankfully, manufacturers have made device charging a breeze, so you can focus on actually vaping and not fiddling around with difficult chords and ports.
First, identify where the charging port is on your device and figure out what chord will fit the port properly. Most modern devices will utilize micro USB ports, but some may employ USB Type-C. Once you’ve identified the proper cable, which should be included in the box with your device, connect it to a charging brick or a USB port and plug it into your device. If your devices has a proprietary charger, consult your device’s user manual to figure out how to charge your herbal vaporizer.
In the event your device has external batteries, the best and safest thing you can do is use an external battery charger. These chargers fit rechargeable battery cells and power them directly from a wall outlet. These chargers are generally designed to fit 18650s, 18350s, 26650s, 21700s, and other rechargeable battery cells.
To charge external batteries, simply remove them from your device and place them into the external charger. Most modern chargers will have an automatic shut off, meaning you don’t have to worry about leaving them in the charger after they’ve finished charging.