Part of the appeal of a herbal vaporizer lies in its ability to preserve and enhance the natural flavours and aroma of cannabis. That being said, if your device is putting out a burnt or off-putting flavour, this can almost completely ruin your vaping experience. Thankfully, this shouldn’t be a permanent issue and can be easily fixed with a little bit of effort.
First, if possible, adjust the temperature you’re vaping at. Often times new vapers will over exceed what their devices are capable of and will turn the temperature to a point that burns any material inside of it. If this is happening to you, simply turn the temperature down till the burning taste stops.
Next, check the coil of your device as it may need to be cleaned or completely replaced. In this case, the burning flavour is caused by any residue that may be on the coil, or in the heating chamber. In this instance, it is always best to try to clean your coil (if possible) before you consider replacing the coil.
Finally, be sure to ensure your device is not firing when not in use. Inhaling through a herbal vaporizer will bring air into the coil, cooling it, but if this does not occur the coil can get quite hot and will cause a burnt flavour to linger on the coil and in the chamber. To remedy this issue, simply turn off your herbal vaporizer.